+85516669676 (during working hrs, Telegram, WhatsApp)
Dr. Turobova Tatiana (តាត្យ៉ាណា ទូរ៉ូបូវ៉ា) | Oncology office of IU Clinic (International University Clinic), Phnom Penh
Our services
Medical @ Pediatric oncology, Breast diseases, Hematology
OPD consultations
✅talking about patient's complaints, past medical history, life history, family history;
✅physical examination of the patient;
✅recommendations about additional examinations (laboratory tests, ultrasound, CT, MRI, PET-scan etc.);
✅interpretation of results of examinations;
✅explanation about diagnosis and co-morbidities;
✅recommendations about therapy and follow-up (medications, diet, life-style etc.);
✅detailed printed medical report.
Therapy and One-day-care Unit
✅Chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy for cancer patients,
✅Daily IV fluids (for patients with vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, allergy and for detox), under control of Internal medicine specialist,
✅Vitamins and antibiotics courses (IV, IM),
✅Vital signs monitoring,
Laboratory tests
(International University laboratory)
✅Specimens' collection at IU Clinic,
✅Specimens' investigation at IU Laboratory,
✅Interpretation and printing results,
✅Explanation to patients,
✅Therapy correction (if need)